Democratic changes in the education system


  • Ivan Siladii Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова



modernization of education, democratization of education, democratic values, democratic educational policy


In the context of democratization of social development, democratic changes in the education system are inevitable. At the same time, these changes determine the dynamics of society development in view of the constructive or destructive vector of education and upbringing. The authoritarian Soviet education system did not provide for the autonomy of educational institutions and academic freedoms for participants in the educational process. But modern Ukrainian society, interested in a developed and self-sufficient personality, must make great efforts to ensure that its education and culture are a real basis for the formation of democratic values of the individual. It is the realization of this task that should be aimed at current modernization of national education. As one of its main trends, the democratization of education accelerates the humanization of the educational
space in the context of basic national and universal values. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the resources, factors and directions of this process.
The importance of the formation and implementation of democratic educational policy as a basis
for educating a democratic person is primarily that only if the introduction of democratic practices and procedures in the educational sphere of the state will their effective humanistic and axiological transfer to other spheres of national life. The implementation of the outlined principles will allow education, on the one hand, to democratize together with society, and on the other – to promote its further democratization. These processes should enhance the role of education in educating youth
about democratic values and citizenship. Due to the growing scale of higher education, the ideas of academic freedom and equality inherent in science and education are transmitted to the whole society and universalize its political system in different countries. The formation of new socio-cultural values that are fundamental to the world community, in particular such as a civilized free market and the humanization of social relations, not only changes the structure of higher education. No less,
humanizing the process of training modern professionals, such values change the paradigm of today’s
education. Society-oriented education is increasingly reoriented to the individual.

