The essence and content of the professional training of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements and standards of NATO


  • Andrii Savchenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



Tactical-level officers, professional training of officers, higher military educational institutions, training of military personnel of NATO countries


The scientific article studied and analyzed the modern combat experience of readiness, the essence and content of the professional training of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements and standards of NATO countries of cadets and students of higher military educational institutions. The scientific article presents the material that a graduate of a higher military educational institution must first of all be able to effectively organize, manage, fight, win and teach his subordinates.

Military education at the tactical level in all NATO member countries is a corporate system of training military specialists, the purpose of which is to perform tasks determined by the specifics of the functioning of the armed forces and the need for their use in specific conditions. The training of military specialists in NATO member countries is focused on the training of officers who are able not only to lead troops in the rear, but also to command units in active combat conditions.

The formation of future officers of the tactical management level teaches them to be not only theoretically understood, but also psychologically prepared: to think critically and strategically evaluate any situation, both in peacetime and in wartime.

The future professional military activity of commanders of the tactical level (platoon, company, battalion) is characterized by the presence of constant danger, associated with the risk to life, requires from military personnel courage, endurance, the ability to overcome fear, and readiness for self-sacrifice. Practice has confirmed that an officer must first of all have a high level of consciousness, patriotism, readiness to fulfill his duty to the Motherland, no matter what the cost.

In the context of the adaptive structural-semantic model, the personal qualities of an officer, which are necessary for the effective performance of management functions of a tactical-level military commander in accordance with the assigned task, both in peacetime and in a combat environment, are determined.

