Formation the national and cultural identity of the personality of primary school students: a psychological and pedagogical excursion


  • Ludmila Teletska Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Anastasiia Kovalova Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



personality, primary school student, civic competence, identity, national identity, national and cultural identity of an individual, New Ukrainian School, collective memory


The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature and reference sources regarding the definition of the concepts “identity” and “national and cultural identity”. On the basis of the study of the current legal framework in the sphere of regulation of the state educational policy of Ukraine, it was established that the issue of the formation of the national and cultural identity of the individual of primary education acquirers is of particular importance, since at the primary school age the child is most susceptible to emotional-value and spiritual-moral development and upbringing and formation of her moral qualities and civic values.

The definition of the concept of “national and cultural identity of a personality of a primary school student” has been clarified as the process of identification of the personality of a primary school-age child with a certain nation, which is embodied in his subjective feeling of belonging to the national community on the basis of a stable emotional connection that arises as a result of the formation relative to a stable system of realized, realistically existing ideas and assessments, signs of the nation’s life activity of a differentiated and integrative nature, as well as the adoption of norms and values generally accepted in a certain society.

The key tasks of the process of forming the national and cultural identity of the personality of a primary school children have been identified and characterized, namely: ensuring socialization and education of the younger generation; preservation of “collective memory”; fostering a sense of patriotism; and fostering a tolerant attitude towards representatives of various faiths, minorities, races, nations, and persons with special needs. Based on the generalization of modern scientific research, the key indicators that testify to the formation of the national and cultural identity of a primary school student are singled out.

It was established that the national and cultural identity of the personality of primary school students is a structural phenomenon represented by four constituent components – cognitive, emotional-evaluative, value-oriented and active.

Prospective directions for conducting further scientific research on the problem of forming the national and cultural identity of the personality of primary schoolchildren as a component of their civic competence are outlined.

