Music as a means of intercultural communication


  • Xia Wang Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



intercultural communication, musical art, tolerance, cultural exchange, pedagogical methods, cultural sensitivity, cultural interaction


The article explores the role of music as a powerful tool for the development of intercultural communication and cultural tolerance in the context of modern globalization and intensive intercultural exchanges. Music, due to its universal nature, has a unique ability to overcome
language and cultural barriers, to promote empathy, mutual respect and cultural sensitivity among representatives of different cultural traditions.
The importance of music in intercultural communication is reinforced by its ability to reflect and convey emotional and cultural meanings, which allows people from different cultures to find common ground and reduce cultural tensions. The article analyzes in detail the various aspects of music’s impact on cultural identity and social integration, and discusses how music can be used as an effective method for fostering tolerance and mutual understanding.
The main purpose of the article is to study the role of musical art in intercultural communication and to develop practical methodological approaches for its implementation in the pedagogical process. To achieve this goal, the theoretical foundations of intercultural communication and the role of music in this process are analyzed. In particular, the article examines how musical traditions can be integrated into educational programs to support cultural exchange and increase students’ cultural sensitivity. The study presents practical examples of successful application of musical practices in educational institutions, including the organization of cultural music festivals, interactive classes with traditional musical instruments, and the use of multimedia resources to study musical traditions.
The article also provides recommendations for educators, researchers, and music education professionals who want to use music to support intercultural communication. It offers valuable resources and guidelines for creating effective educational programs that promote cultural understanding and integration in the learning process. The latter findings confirm the significant potential of music as a means for developing intercultural relations, as well as the need for further research and implementation of new methodological approaches in pedagogical practice to maximize this potential. Thus, the article is an important resource for anyone interested in using music to improve intercultural relations and create an integrative learning environment.

