Heterogeneity phenomenon in the sphere of education





training, educational space, heterogeneous groups, New Ukrainian School, evidences of heterogeneity


The article deals with defining the essence of the heterogeneity phenomenon in the educational area and heterogeneity as a psychological and pedagogical issue in the context of the New Ukrainian School. Deep analysis of the phenomenon of heterogeneity in the philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature is achieved. Peculiarities and problems of the educational concern of the New Ukrainian school are outlined.
Heterogeneity is considered as a basis consisting of different in nature or origin phenomenon. The term «heterogeneous» means another one composed of inhomogeneous elements. The phenomenon of heterogeneity in education is considered as differences between people in gender, age, social status, ethnicity, religion, health or disability, specific personality traits, and so on.
The contemporary understanding of heterogeneity in educational environment assumes characteristics of educational process subjects on the basis of the following criteria: ethnicity and language, national traditions, culture, mentality, etc.; beliefs (traditional or non – traditional religious views and beliefs); health state, psychophysical peculiarities, social status of a student and his family; intellectual and creative potential; social and emotional characteristics; subcultural attitudes; and today selected into heterogeneous groups of students, among whom are: children of refugees and migrants; children from the families with different religious confessions, disable children or children with psychophysical development peculiarities; children from the families with different status of social not well – being; children gifted in intellectual and creative spheres of activities; children with social and emotional exclusivity who have difficulties in studies, teenagers and youth, who belong to different youth subcultures.
The study of heterogeneity’s phenomenon in the educational field expands the range of future teacher’s training in the context New Ukrainian School, which includes, firstly, diagnosis and consideration of individual characteristics of students according the criteria of heterogeneity, secondly, creating conditions for those features development, thirdly, adaptation of educational process participants, regardless their capabilities, equal interaction in social environment.

