Modern trends in methodological and mathematical training of future teachers of the new ukrainian school


  • Valentyna Сhaychenko National Pedagogical Drahomanov University



methodical and mathematical training, mathematical competence, methodical competence, integration, a primary school teacher


The proposed article explores the problem of methodical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers based on modern requirements of industry standards and the concept of the New Ukrainian School. The current trends in methodological and mathematical training of future teachers of the new Ukrainian school based on integration were determined and analyzed. 
In improving the training of future primary school teachers in new conditions, an important role belongs to the theoretical rationale and practical implementation of the ideas of integration, the research on this basis for the new content of student learning in institutions of higher education, moreover the content of the pedagogical activity of teachers.
The article analyzes scientists’ research on integrating mathematical and methodical training for future primary school teachers. The report investigates the integration study of «Mathematics» and «Methodology of teaching in the area of mathematical education» at the pedagogical faculty of primary school teacher training at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.
In addition, the author’s educational program of the educational component «Mathematics with teaching methods in primary school» is presented. This educational component aims to provide theoretical training to students necessary for their general mathematical development and the readiness of the future primary school teacher for the professional solution of academic tasks while teaching primary school-age mathematics per the needs of modern primary education.
The problem of the correlation between the compulsory educational components «Mathematics» and «Teaching methods of the mathematical educational area» is solved by strengthening the professional orientation of the mathematics course content, strengthening the mathematical content with issues of the practical application of the theory in the methodology of primary mathematics education, developing appropriate teaching manuals for students of the speciality «Primary education».

