The role of the "Partnership and supervision pedagogy" course in professional training of future primary school teachers


  • Oksana Kokhanko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



professional training of future teachers, educational-professional program, partnership pedagogy, supervision, primary education


The article presents the experience of implementing the educational course “Partnership and Supervision Pedagogy” into the educational process of training students of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the educational-professional program “Primary Education” at the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University.
Today, not only the implementation of partnership pedagogy in educational institutions is relevant, but also the modification of educational programs and curriculum for training future teachers, as well as the cultivation of their professional competence for educational partnership. Therefore, the publication summarizes the experience of professional preparation of future teachers for implementing partnership interactions within the framework of the New Ukrainian School (NUSh), analyzes its content at the master’s level, and presents the experience of integrating the educational course “Partnership and supervision pedagogy.”
The analysis of the experience of preparing master’s level students in the field of specialty 013 “Primary
Education” in Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) prior to the implementation of partnership
pedagogy found out that certain HEIs offer courses directly contributing to the development of relevant competencies (“Partnership Pedagogy,” “Pedagogical Partnership with Various Social Institutions,”
“Psychological-Pedagogical Foundations of Partnership Interaction in Education”). Additionally, there are courses that indirectly prepare future teachers for educational partnership (“Teaching Technologies for Educational Fields in Primary School”, “Pedagogical Innovations”, “Inclusive Education”).
The article describes the purpose, objectives, and program outcomes of the course “Partnership and Supervision pedagogy” within the educational program “Primary Education” at the master’s level at Dragomanov Ukrainian State University. The distinctive features of the course content are singled out, encompassing crucial topics such as the historical evolution of partnership pedagogy and the realization of its concepts within the context of the New Ukrainian School (NUSh), the teacher’s partnership interactions with students and the parent community, pedagogical conflicts and their resolution through partnership pedagogy strategies, the essence and purpose of partnership supervision and mentoring, the regulatory framework supporting mentoring and conducting supervision within NUSh, as well as the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor and mentor.
The experience of implementing traditional and interactive teaching methods and forms of student education within the course “Partnership and Supervision Pedagogy” has been synthesized. These methods and forms facilitated the development of students’ professional competence for educational partnership.

