Ways of education quality monitoring by the primary school teacher


  • Alexander Mytnyk




constructive interaction between subjects of educational process; education quality monitoring; methods of control and self-control of pupil’s educational achievements, role training, empathy


Abstract. Analysis of scientific articles has shown that there is a lack of researches about primary school teacher preparation, in the system of postgraduate education, for acquiring techniques for constructive interaction with pupils, creating and evaluating different mathematics and Ukrainian tests that are ways of education quality monitoring. The aim of the article is to reveal the education quality monitoring approaches such as techniques for constructive interaction with pupils, creation and evaluation of different tests, in particular mathematics and Ukrainian. The methods used include theoretical analysis of scientific literature to clarify the state of researched problem, modelling to describe the techniques for constructive interaction with pupils, creation of developmental tasks of different level of difficulty. The process of primary school teacher preparation in the system of postgraduate education, for acquiring techniques for constructive interaction with pupils, creation and evaluation of tests of different difficulty, in particular mathematics and Ukrainian, is described. The examples of role trainings for primary school teachers, aimed at professional skills development for organization of problem-search dialogues in simulated educational environment, are given. Roles of teacher, pupils and experts are proposed in the training exercises. Techniques of gradual complication of arithmetic task, creation and evaluation of Math tests of different difficulty, grammatical tasks to dictation as the way to evaluate the pupils’ knowledge and skills in Ukrainian, are proposed. Within the current experimental research of all-Ukrainian level it was proved that constructive interaction with
pupils domination in educational process affects the pupils’ awareness of their study achievements,
the skill to objectively perform self-assessment and the desire for regular self-development and selfimprovement.

