Substantiation of the developmental block of the author's psychotechnology for ensuring the stress resistance of a ship's specialist


  • Helen Soroka Danube Institute of the National University of «Odesa City Academy»



developmental unit, psychotechnology, stress resistance, ship’s specialist, training, mental self-regulation, stressful states


In the article, the author substantiates the developmental block of the author’s psychotechnology for ensuring stress resistance of a ship’s specialist. It is noted that the main tasks of developing stress resistance include managing the level of stressfulness of the situation in which the ship’s specialist finds himself; moderation of his own mental state, recovery from the negative impact of stressors, as well as creating the necessary conditions for the development of stress resistance.
These conditions include: psychoeducation, in the course of which the participant enriches his/her knowledge of stress, its genesis and further development, ways of overcoming it, stress resilience as one of the key personality traits of a ship’s specialist; understanding of the psychological tools used to perform mental self-regulation and management of stressful conditions; acquisition and expansion of the repertoire of skills for self-regulation of emotional states, methods and techniques for recovery from the destructive effects of stress. The developmental block of the psychotechnology is based on the use of various types of training that open up broad prospects for mastering a rich repertoire of techniques and methods of mental self-regulation, which will undoubtedly contribute to the successful overcoming of stressful conditions. The author approached the search for and application of special techniques that help to manage stress from the perspective of training the relevant skills. Since trainings are an active means of personality-oriented learning, preference is given to them as a group form
of training, since only in a group of equals, who jointly solve the tasks, everyone is able to form and develop proactive behaviour in the cognitive sphere. The training programme is based on traditional learning principles and uses procedures that will help them learn new stress management techniques, as well as monitor and evaluate their progress in this area.

