Content of professional training of future primary school teachers in the use of digital educational technologies


  • Мaksym Borysonok Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



digital educational technologies, future primary school teachers


The article outlines the specifics of the professional training of future primary school teachers for the use of digital educational technologies in their professional activities, a theoretical justification of the feasibility of their use in working with younger schoolchildren is carried out in accordance with the ideas of the «New Ukrainian School» concept.
Special research attention was paid to the review of normative and legal documents, namely: the Law of Ukraine «Оn Education», the Law of Ukraine «Оn Higher Education», the Concept of the Development of Digital Competencies, the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032 and the achievements of researchers in the context the specified problem.
As a result of the analysis of professional sources, the relationship between the future teacher's digital competence and his readiness to use digital educational technologies in professional activities was established, which will be interpreted as a dynamic integrative property of the teacher's personality, which is distinguished y the presence of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of information and communication technologies, critical thinking, stable motivation for professional activity, which in aggregate makes it possible to competently solve complex professional tasks in the field of digital education of younger schoolchildren.
A classification of digital educational technologies for professional use by future primary school teachers is proposed: information processing technologies (AI SYNTHESIA); database technologies («Smart kids» project); multimedia technologies («Chitanka» we project); network (telecommunications) technologies (Clarastudio. tv. Safe Internet for children); geo-information technologies (Google maps); computer modeling technologies (PADLET interactive board); computer experiment technologies (Canva chart designer); computer control technology (Quizizz).
The functional possibilities of the proposed digital educational technologies and the peculiarities of working with them, which are embodied in the manual «Digital educational technologies in the work of an elementary school teacher», which is an element of educational and methodological support of the special course of the same name in the content of professional training of students, are highlighted.

