Formation of the fundamentals of art and design skills in children of older preschool age using landscape design: cluster analysis


  • Halyna Shelepko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



formation of the foundations of artistic and design skills, older preschool children, landscape design, methodical recommendations, future educators


The article presents the results of a cluster analysis using the method of testing teachers of the private preschool institution «Wonderland» in Google Form, according to which the majority of respondents defined the concept of «artistic construction (design) skills of older preschool children» as an ability based on already formed artistic knowledge and ideas to design the structure of the object, create an artistic image and model the subject environment beautifully and harmoniously.
The most characteristic design skills in the opinion of educators were followed. It has been determined what methods and techniques are used to form the foundations of art and design skills in preschool children in a preschool education institution. A comparative analysis of the components of the formation of the foundations of artistic and constructive skills of older preschool children was carried out: emotional-sensual, value-cognitive creative-practical components with orientational, creative-transformative personal-creative components. Methodical directions of the formation of components of artistic and design skills by means of landscape design are proposed for educators, namely: emotional-sensual, value-cognitive creative-practical components. It has been found that it is possible to stimulate the emotional and sensory sphere of a child of older preschool age thanks to a deep immersion in the art of landscape design by selecting visual examples of small architectural forms, geoplastics, means of decorative landscaping, visual communication and decorative covering and the possibilities of their combination with vegetation, terrain relief, water. It was found that the emotional aesthetic knowledge of nature causes a value-cognitive attitude towards the environment, an understanding of its beauty, harmony, and oneself in nature as an important part of the child`s world. It has been confirmed that the creative-practical component stimulates young researchers to artistic and constructive activities for designing landscape compositions combining natural and artificial elements.

