Ethical and pedagogical aspect of civil servant training: the principle of integrity


  • Tetyana Kopyl-Filatova Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



public service, civil service, civil servant, official career, principles and methods of management, ethical model of behavior, integrity of management personnel


The ethical-pedagogical aspect of the training of civil servants was studied, the implementation of which is directly related to ethical education, which should lead to the implementation of the principles and norms of moral behavior in the professional activity of a modern manager. In turn, the principle of integrity should become key in the relations of civil servants with citizens, colleagues, institutions, etc.
It is emphasized that the formation of ethics and integrity of management personnel by educational institutions is a leading direction of training of civil servants, which requires improvement and application of new approaches, taking into account positive domestic and foreign experience. The problem of implementation of legal and technical regulation of professional training of future civil servants is outlined: domestic and international experience.
It was determined that the ethical model of the behavior of a civil servant is a conceptual structure of values, motivation, principles and norms, as well as personal characteristics that determine his relationships, activities and communication based on reciprocity, as well as methods and forms of activity, etc.
The features and practice of implementing the moral and ethical aspect in the training of civil servants are disclosed. Ethical virtues and integrity of a civil servant is an important quality that contributes to the efficient and fair functioning of the state apparatus, administration and democracy as a whole. It is emphasized that the result of the formation of ethics and integrity of the management personnel of educational institutions should be the implementation of the model of ethical behavior of the civil servant in practice.

