Organizational features of formation of professionally competent applicants of educational degree "bachelor" in universities of Australia


  • Nataliia Zhuravel Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



Australian higher education, bachelor's degree, competence-based approach, organizational features of professional training


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the organizational features of the formation of a professionally competent bachelor in Australian higher education institutions. Attention is drawn to the higher education system of this country, because Australia is a leading country in providing high-quality modern educational services. It was found that meaningful educational programs and courses, a flexible study schedule, favorable study conditions, the possibility of future employment, an international diploma give the "green continent" the right to occupy the upper echelons of world-class university rankings. By analyzing regulatory documents (Australian Qualifications Framework, Learning and Teaching Policy at the University of Sydney); scientific works devoted to clarifying the conditions for obtaining the specified educational degree, substantiated the conclusions regarding the peculiarities of obtaining a bachelor's degree in universities in Australia. Competences acquired by a bachelor's student are analyzed from the standpoint of using the competence-based approach. Based on the example of the University of Sydney, the conditions for enrolling bachelor's degree holders in the university and the conditions for their training in mastering key competences are considered; prospects for further employment of bachelors and continuing studies at the university are determined. The role of the educational environment for bachelors to obtain better academic results is emphasized. It has been investigated that the organizational features of bachelor's training in Australian higher education institutions lead to a complex, long-term, but interesting and meaningful process of training a competent specialist who, after obtaining a degree, is ready to integrate into the professional world without experiencing great emotional losses, able to accept the challenges of today. It is summarized that Australian education is professional knowledge, intellectual independence, flexibility of thinking, formed leadership qualities, activity for results, which, in turn, creates the foundation of Australian education in general.

