Scientific and educational priorities for the use of artificial intelligence in the development of Ukrainian military potential


  • Oleksandra Markiv Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Oksana Zarivna National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Ivan Markiv The Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine



artificial intelligence, education, science, priority areas of AI application, military sphere


The article is devoted to the revolutionary phenomenon of the modern world – artificial intelligence in the sphere of education. The study provides a theoretical analysis of possible directions for the progressive development of education using artificial intelligence, with a special focus on ensuring the processes of improving and building the country's military potential. This approach is extremely relevant as our country is engaged in a full-scale war in which AI is actively used. To this end, the author analyses: 1) advanced scientific and practical experience in defining and substantiating the concept of "artificial intelligence"; 2) analysis of the conceptual foundations in Ukrainian society; 3) a possible strategy for the development of artificial intelligence in Ukraine; 4) generalized aspects of the use of AI in military technologies and, accordingly, what educational priorities should correspond to military systems and operations; 5) educational models for the formation of appropriate human resources for the military sphere, namely: an open register of current basic and applied problems and tasks; priority implementation of the dual masters and postgraduate studies in AI; start-up infrastructure; interdisciplinary approach; promotion of research activities.

Much attention is paid to identifying the broad practical possibilities of using artificial intelligence for military purposes, but military systems with artificial intelligence also raise some other fundamental, social and geopolitical issues that require the cooperation of human intelligence with AI to understand.

The authors emphasize that the effective development of artificial intelligence requires basic and applied research, systematic, convergent, and cooperative participation of scientific, legal, and innovative institutions, as well as targeted activities of the state and business, in order to determine all the potentials of AI as an unprecedented opportunity to achieve technological advantages.

