About the Journal


a peer-reviewed publication that publishes scientific articles in the fields of:

01 – education/pedagogy (011 – educational, pedagogical sciences; 012 – preschool education; 013 – primary school education; 015 – professional education)

05 – social and behavioral sciences (053 – psychology)

The scientific publication received the recommendation of the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the assignment of category "B" (pedagogical specialties – 011, 012, 013, 015) in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 06/20/2023 N 768 (Appendix 3). The journal is included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degrees of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy can be published.

ISSN (Print) 2786-6890

ISSN (Online) 2786-6084

УДК: 37:001(051)

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is attached to every published material as one of the most important tools for a modern scientist.

International, foreign and national reference and scientometric databases, which include the scientific publication:

Thematic orientation of the scientific specialist publication (specialties for which the edition publishes scientific works): 011 "Educational and pedagogical sciences", 012 "Preschool education", 013 "Primary school education", 015 "Vocational education (by specialization)", 053 "Psychology" .

Issues and research specialization: conceptual issues, trends and priorities of modern pedagogical and psychological education and science: history, modernity, issues of theory and methodology, innovative educational and psychotherapeutic methods, techniques, and technologies; educational management, theoretical and applied aspects of age and pedagogical psychology; pedagogical activity in educational institutions; challenges in future teachers and psychologists’ practical training; future teacher and psychologist professional self-fulfillment.

We invite representatives of the scientific community, educators of Ukraine and abroad to a frank and constructive discussion on the pages of our magazine and we are waiting for the publication of the results of the author's research, which will enrich the content of modern pedagogical education and science.

We will be glad to see you among the authors of our magazine!