The influence of reading on the formation of students' cultural competence for personality development of pre-school students
reading, cultural competence, student, individual characteristics, preschool child, active listener, methodology, recommendationsAbstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of the influence of the reading process on the formation of cultural competence in future educators for the development of the personality of a preschool child. The definitions of concepts such as «reading», «individuality», «individual characteristics», «cultural competence», etc., have been clarified. An empirical study was conducted on future educators’ preferences for reading books to develop cultural competence. The article presents the results of a survey of students in the third year, educational and qualification level «bachelor», full-time study of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, majoring in «Preschool Education», that highlight the modern view of students on key concepts, types of children’s activities, in which the personal growth of a preschooler as an active listener is manifested, the creation of a favorable environment for his development. The impact of reading on the formation of professional competence among students for personality development in preschool childhood is analyzed. It was found that third-year students of the «bachelor» educational and qualification level, full-time study, attach great importance to the process of reading and the issue of personality development, mostly realizing the importance of reading books, reading popular and professional literature. Manifestations of personal growth are observed in the following activities: game, creative, search and research, and speech. The author’s method «Look and know» is presented, which has already passed approval and is presented on certain topics to increase the interest of a child of older preschool age in reading and learning about the surrounding world, nature, artistic works of various genres, the development of attention, thinking, speech, cognitive and creative activity as important components of the personal growth of a preschool child.
The authors of the article lead to the thought that at the current stage of reorganization of preschool education in Ukraine, the reading process has acquired a special need for the formation of cultural competence of future educators and the development of the preschooler’s personality as an active listener. Methodical recommendations for students to optimize the reading process and techniques for active reading are provided. The reading process is manifested in the types of children’s activities and is formed thanks to the use of effective methods and techniques, and the organization of a favorable developmental environment in the conditions of a modern preschool education institution.