Educational environment of higher education institutions as a factor in the development of students' social activity


  • Olena Matviienko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Iryna Matviіenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



social activity of students, educational environment of higher education institutions, socio-cultural educational environment


The relevance of the article is determined by the search for ways to effectively develop the social activity of students in higher education institutions during the war and in the post-war period. It has been established, that a student’s social activity is a feature of his/her way of life in the process of professional training, which reflects the degree of orientation of his/her abilities, knowledge, skills, aspirations, concentration of volitional and creative efforts to meet the urgent needs of post-war society, interests, ideals.
The research focuses on the influence of the educational environment of a pedagogical higher education institution on the development of students’ social activity. In particular, we characterise this environment as one where higher education students can learn and develop, gaining a variety of cultural and social experiences through participation in specially organised activities aimed at meeting their socio-cultural needs, which involve social and cultural interaction that takes place during their professional training.
Ideas for modelling the socio-cultural educational environment at the Faculty of Education of the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University in the following areas are proposed: public organisations and student clubs (student support channels «PF_UDU», «PF Chat» and «Freshmen Chat», Instagram page, TikTok); volunteer activities (master classes on making trench candles for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, all-Ukrainian charity event «Childhood: A Step into the Future»); sports and cultural events (flash mobs (#NOWINUKRAINE_PF, «I am Ukrainian», «EasterTogether_NPU_UA»), preparation of a team for the bowling cup, etc.); community projects and initiatives (weekly survey (to clarify problematic issues, help those who need it, and receive suggestions for improving life at the faculty), projects: GO_PF, Give Warmth to Children, Open Day); academic and cultural conferences (exhibitions: «My War Story... War through the Eyes of Students», «Diversity of Easter Eggs: from Tradition to Modernity»).



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