Formation of young pupils' ability to work with information by means of the language model of AI CHAT GPT


  • Tetiana Vasiutina Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Tetiana Teslenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Alyona Lidich Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



information skills, primary school students, Chat GPT, critical thinking exercises


The article highlights approaches to solving the problem of developing the ability of 4th grade students to work with information using the language model of artificial intelligence Сhat GPT.

By means of the definitional analysis, the connection of this skill with media literacy, communication skills, information / information-communication / digital competence and methods of its formation, critical thinking, active reading is established. It is stated that the ability to work with information is a component of the information and communication competence of a graduate of the New Ukrainian School, which includes: the ability to process textual and graphic information, critically evaluate it, convert information from one form to another; use information technology to solve problems; knowledge and mastery of information retrieval methods.

The article describes the potential of the language model of artificial intelligence Сhat GPT in the process of forming the ability to work with information of primary school students, which is considered through the ability to: provide verbal dialogue interaction with students in real time, automatic content generation, creating opportunities for students to formulate questions of different cognitive levels, receive answers to them and track the accuracy of information.

The article illustrates the content and methodological features of forming specific skills (working with texts, tables, diagrams, images, making a simple or complex plan for a text, formulating and comparing definitions, etc.) in 4th grade students while studying the Ukrainian language and the course "I Explore the World".

The research attention is paid to the methodological features of forming the ability to work with information. In particular, the expediency of using explanatory conversations, descriptions, comparisons (of objects, phenomena, definitions of key concepts), dramatisation (dialogue between a globe and a map), creating own diagrams and drawings (weather forecast); organisation of individual work, pair and group interaction, project work; use of exercises for the development of critical thinking ("Comparative (conceptual) table", "Reading in pairs, summarising in pairs", "Thin and thick questions", "Decision tree", "Author's chairs", "I believe it or not", "Reading with prediction" and others).

