Formation of future teachers’ foreign language competence in the educational environment of modern university


  • Volodymyr Lipatov National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Liudmyla Popova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



institutions of higher education, future teacher, foreign language competence, academic mobility, professional competence


The article analyzes and theoretically substantiates new approaches to the implementation of an actual problem in the field of theory and methodology of professional education – the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future teachers. It is also noted that the research concept is ensured by the unity of methodological, theoretical and methodical aspects.
We considered the forms of professional training of future teachers; ways of increasing the motivation of students of higher education to master the norms of a foreign language in a modern university; means of intensification and development of students’ creative and intellectual abilities; improvement of the quality of assimilation of educational material from a foreign language by means of modern communication and information technologies; accelerating the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future teachers. The phenomenon of globalization, the digitalization of social and economic processes in society, the definition of a number of transversal competencies in professional training for the unification of the requirements of the modern labor market pose an urgent need for higher education institutions to ensure a sufficient level of foreign language proficiency at the B 2 level, as a necessary tool for international communication and lifelong professional development.
Current world trends in the training of future teachers in a modern university are the introduction
of various innovative forms of educational and scientific work on the formation of foreign language competence. Academic mobility is one of the priority areas of activity of higher education institutions, which provides the opportunity for participants of the educational process to study, teach, do internships or conduct scientific activities in other higher education institutions on the territory of Ukraine or beyond. Such an organization of the educational process contributes to increasing the significance of foreign language skills for the future teacher as a tool for improving his professional level. Such organization of the educational process contributes to increasing the significance of foreign language skills for the future teachers as a tool for improving their professional level. 
It has been proven that the formation of foreign language competence also contributes to the
solution and formation of other key competences, in particular, the readiness of the teacher for effective professional activity by means of the possibilities of media education resources.

